The Juliett 484 (K-77) in Providence, RI is looking for volunteers to help restore and maintain this Cold War relic. Former and current submariners are particularly valuable as volunteers but anyone with an interest in helping is welcome. Maintenance includes tracing out systems, restoring paint to original colors, wiring indicators panels, general cleaning, etc. We’re even looking for knuckle dragging TMs to restore a torpedo in the after torpedo room, I think the warhead was previously removed!?
Ric Hedman who helped restore the Soviet Foxtrot submarine named “Cobra” is currently the manager of the Juliett's restoration. Ric is a fellow submariner (USS Flasher SSN613 Plankowner) and former USSVI Seattle Base commander. The Saratoga Museum Foundation has Ric aboard initially for the three month summer season.
Curious about what a ruskie sub looks like up close and personal here’s a little taste:

Topside View from the pier.
Forward part of the sail you can see the missile telemetry radar. The deck is covered with rubber sound dampening tiles.

Stern View forward standing on the aft escape trunk.
Aft set of two SS-N-3 Shaddock or SS-N-12 Sandbox missile tubs are visable. Another set is foward of the sail.

Looking forward into the Torpedo room from Officer Country.

Part of the Missile Fire Control system (Missile Guidance)

Ships Control Station.

Sonar? (One single ping if you please comrade.)

Radar? (Range and bearing to the P-3 Orion )
So, Comrade Jim (AKA Lubber’s Line) has volunteered to trek to the northern port of Providence, RI each weekend to help restore the Soviet Project 651 vintage 1960’s cruise missile diesel submarine. I have to admit this is going to be a field day from HELL if ever I saw one. The ballast tanks leak, there's paint where there shouldn't be any or it is the wrong color, rust rust and more rust. This is one boat load of work so it 's got to be rewarding. Anyway how many cold war era bubbleheads can say they worked on a Soviet missile boat?
If your interested in volunteering as well then go to this link that has the contact information or you can contact me via email.